Spring Regional 2025


Shabbaton Highlights

Outdoor Activities

We'll take full advantage of the beautiful campground to enjoy activities like boating and a ropes course!


Celebrate a meaningful, joyous Shabbat with passionate prayer, learning sessions, singing, and delicious meals.



Austin: Emily Yaffe (858) 472-6515

Dallas: Abby Stock (469) 404-9082

Denver: R' Yonatan Nuszen (720) 620-8720

Houston: R' Nati Stern (913) 787-1056

San Antonio: R' David Cohen (954) 900-6540

The Basics

What: A wonderful weekend retreat for Jewish teens

When: Friday March 28 - Sunday, March 30

Where: Greene Family Camp, 1192 Smith Ln., Bruceville, TX

Who: Jewish students in 8-12 grade

Why: To make friends, celebrate Shabbat, and have fun!

How (will we get there): Southwest NCSY will arrange transportation, which may include flights and/or buses. Drop off and pick up times and locations for each city will be announced closer to the event.


All meals, activities, and transportation are included in the Shabbaton price. The pricing is:

  • Texas: $300 (Early Bird); $350 (regular)
  • Denver**: $500 (Early Bird); $550 (regular)

*All registrations require a non-refundable $75 deposit.

**Denver participants are required to submit a

FLIGHT FORM to register.



Cancellations made by Wednesday, March 19 will be fully refunded. Cancellations made on or after Thursday, March 20 will not be eligible to a refund.*


Cancellations must be made by Friday, March 14. After that date, cancellations will not be eligible for a refund.

*Within 48 hours of the event, refunds may be granted due to extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the Regional Director.


  • Clothing:
  • Shabbat attire (nice dress or skirt for girls, slacks and button-up shirt for boys)
  • Clothes and shoes suitable for outdoors activities
  • Pajamas
  • Toiletries (incl. sunscreen)
  • Prescription Medication
  • Tefillin for boys (if you have)
  • Baseball glove (if you'll want to play baseball)

Texas Participants:

  • Towel
  • Sleeping bag or bedding
  • Pillow

NCSY can not be held responsible for any items lost over the course of the Shabbaton, including on the buses, airplane, or at the venue. Please DO NOT pack expensive items, items of high sentimental value, or items that can not be easily replaced, as NCSY can not assume liability for their replacement.


NCSY and the Orthodox Union strive to create an environment in which NCSY participants and NCSY adults can interact in a safe, appropriate, and halakhic (Jewish law) environment. Everyone actively involved with NCSY anywhere in the world is expected to contribute positively to this atmosphere. If you have been made to feel uncomfortable or treated inappropriately, please call the OU’s outside hotline (866-57THEOU [8-4368]) or OU’s General Counsel (“GC”) (at 646.689.2104 or simsr@ou.org) to report your suspicions and seek guidance as to the reporting rule in that state.

Our top priority is the health and safety of your children. Our goal is to run successful, inspirational and impactful programs in a structured environment with clear rules, policies and guidelines in place and enforced. We know that you are entrusting us with your children for the duration of the event and we take that responsibility extremely seriously.

As such, there will be ZERO tolerance for:

* Violence, depending on the seriousness of the act, may result in referral to law enforcement authorities.

*Bullying, hazing, harassment, sexual abuse or assault will be grounds for dismissal and may result in expulsion from all future NCSY events.

* Foul, obscene or profane language of any sort (verbal, written or electronic) is unacceptable.

* Smoking or vaping at an NCSY event may be grounds for immediate dismissal from the event at the earliest practical time.

* Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages at an NCSY event is grounds for immediate dismissal from the event at the earliest practical time, and may be subject to further disciplinary action at the discretion of the Regional Director in consultation with the National Youth Commission.

* Possession and/or use of illegal drugs and controlled substances at an NCSY event is grounds for immediate dismissal from the event at the earliest practical time, and may be subject to further disciplinary action at the discretion of the Regional Administration in consultation with the National Youth Commission.

* Bringing illegal weapons (such as guns, switchblades, sharpened box cutters, sharpened screwdrivers, etc.) to an event will result in confiscation of the weapons, expulsion from the event at the earliest practical time, and may also be referred to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Parental Responsibilities:

In the interest of protecting NCSY participants, parents are expected to disclose to the lead NCSY Adult overseeing an NCSY event, any medical, physical, or psychological condition. This includes alerting the NCSY Adult concerning medications, allergies, special accommodations and special dietary needs. Parents must also provide an available emergency contact in advance of the event.

Should a situation arise over the course of an event when the lead NCSY Adult is concerned regarding a teen’s physical, psychological, or emotional well-being, or that it is revealed that medical or other relevant information was not disclosed on the waiver and/or medical form, standard procedure is to send the teen home at the parents’ expense and without a refund.

In addition, there are other occasions when a teen would be sent home at the parents’ expense and without a refund, which occur when the teen has violated NCSY policy.


In order to be qualified to attend a NCSY program, a teen who is currently taking any sort of medication should be able to administer it on his/her own and must bring only the appropriate amount needed during the program. All this information must be disclosed on medical forms that will only be seen by designated supervisory personnel and will be kept private.

As part of the registration the participant and the parents of the participant acknowledged reading and agreed to abide by the above rules and regulations.